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Get a reliable flow of qualified B2B
leads in two weeks

Say goodbye to long sales months. At ImpulsaIn we developed an engagement solution focused on selling through LinkedIn, which will allow you to start conversations with your ideal clients, so you can focus on selling more.

You do your best work while

we do the hard work

Thanks to our service and automated engagement strategy, you will get a constant flow of potential customers, which will reduce your cost per sale. We'll help you open new markets and grow your business. Additionally, sales meetings go directly to your team, so they can focus on pitching and closing new deals.

  • linkedin
  • devops
  • cloud
  • charlando
We automate the
  • empresario
We configure your
We schedule meetings
with qualified leads
We create the entire 
sales strategy
We generate


new opportunities

Leave the prospecting to the experts

Hit targets


sell more

ImpulsaIn Benefits

We increase your network of contacts and potential clients

Easy onboarding

You don't have to worry

about anything, we take care of all the automations.

We will develop a customized strategy based on our artificial intelligence software, we will take care of the whole structure according to your needs and product/services.

Worry about what's important

We take care of generating qualified leads, you take care of converting them into customers.

We will help you get meetings with your potential clients.

We manage +100 conversations every week.


Customization is the key

Our strategy is not based on sending messages and that's it, there is much more behind it. We develop strategies that humanize automated processes and increase the response rate by +300%.


Validation of skills

Highly personalized messages

Interactive content

Active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Your profile will be generating potential customers, always

Your profile will be active 24/7 generating potential customers. This will help you to have a constant flow of new business.

Our customers

Reasons to work with ImpulsaIn

"Visible results from the first week"

Since we started, we started scheduling meetings on a constant basis. He is an ideal partner to scale our business.


Cristina Vicedo

CEO & Founder of Sincerely

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